Arctic Circle Arrival

Today, in rain and wind, the ship crossed into the Arctic circle. Though about 8am, the sun wasn’t close to appearing. Official sunrise in Bodo, where we were headed, was 11:05 with sunset following quickly at 12:47.

Our ship is the Midnitsol (Midnight sun). For this journey it should more appropriately be named the nosol (no sun).

At 11:15 we had our offical welcome to the Arctic ceremony on the very rainy top deck. There was a “baptism” by the sea god, King Neptune. For those who were brave enough, ice was poured down their back. The looks on participants’ faces were priceless. As a reward, they got a shot of alcohol to ward off the cold. I abstained.

While this was winding down our JourneyWoman group posed for a photo. Quite the way to celebrate JourneyWoman’s 30th anniversary.

Meanwhile, during a brief stop, a massive Christmas tree was brought onboard. Watching the crew try to get it upright and decorated was amusing. Each member of the team had a different approach. After several unsuccessful attempts, they managed to right it, the guests gave them a resounding cheer.

The rain and wind are so fierce that all excursions were canceled. I hadn’t planned to go on any, so it wasn’t a great loss.

We head north in the rain. Fingers crossed the sky clears. Still haven’t seen the northern lights 😕