San Sebastian, Spain — Day 1

This morning, I wondered if I would get from Bilbao to San Sebastian, at least as planned. It was one of those, if it can go wrong, it will days. The bus was scheduled to depart at 11 am. From the hotel to the bus terminal, the trip is supposed to take about ten minutes. At 10:15, the front desk … Read More

San Sebastian, Spain – Day 2

Today was the unofficial start of the conference. For those of us who arrived early, we had a choice of activities, like a city tour, rowing in the bay, a boat trip along the Basque coast, surfing, hiking, and the one I selected “cooking like a Basque chef.” We started in the market where the chefs buy all the food … Read More

San Sebastian, Spain – Day 3 – part one

The official start of the conference is tonight, with what sounds like a lot of surprises for us. But before then. I took another pre-conference tour. This one was largely outside in lush, green sites. The weather cooperated, warm but not hot and very sunny. We started at the royal home of Maria Christina. The group made a long walk … Read More

San Sebastian, Spain – Day 3, Part 2

After the tour was over yesterday I had just enough time to return to the apartment, relax for a few minutes and then head out to the first “official” event of the conference. We took buses to a town just outside of San Sebastian to attend a Jai Alai match. For those of you who don’t know what Jai Alai … Read More