Escape to Hyde Park, NY

Though this mini trip was planned a long time ago, the timing was perfect. I’m spending a few days with two friends who I’ve known since childhood. We’re doing everything possible to avoid thinking about the election.

Dutchess County, NY is about a two-hour drive from NYC, mostly on scenic highways. The area is filled with historic sites, including FDR’s home and library, “Val-Kil” Eleanor Roosevelt’s cottage, a Vanderbilt estate, and numerous grand homes (Wilderstein and Staatsburgh to name a couple). The county hugs the Hudson River and the views are breathtaking.

While autumnal color is long past peak, there were patches of startling yellows and reds against a deep blue sky. Focusing on those, I could forget about the future.

Hyde Park is also home to the Culinary Institute of America. Last night we had dinner at American Bounty, one of their three restaurants. Students do all of the food preparation, serving, and managing the restaurant. The meal was wonderful. If you want to go there for a meal, make your reservation long before you plan to go.

The FDR Library reminded me that at times of disaster, people can be good and we can pull through. It was a very good message right at this moment.