Heading South along the Hudson River

Yesterday I headed home after my brief stay in Cold Spring. Driving back there were hints of spring—daffodils, weeping willows swathed in pale green, buds ready to burst. But, for the most part, branches remained bare and there was a grayness that contrasted sharply with the intense blue of the sky.

My first start was at Magazzino, a museum of Italian art in Cold Spring. As with DIA, I liked the space as much or more than the artwork. The one series of paintings I loved was a series of portraits on mirrors. Depending on my vantage point, they looked totally different.

From there I headed south. In Buchanan I headed off the main road. My goal was to drive as close to the Hudson as possible. The views were beautiful, but it was windy and standing near the water was chilly. Further downriver in Croton, the wind was even fiercer. It was the perfect day for flying kites and whole families were out with kites soaring high.

My short weekend away was a success. I came home refreshed and ready to tackle my many projects.