Louisiana – Day 3

Geaux Saints Geaux! A large part of yesterday was experiencing how New Orleanians participate in New Orleans Saints football games. The game was between the Saints and Detroit Lions at the Superdome. The first stop was a VIP tailgate party on a patio overlooking the entrance to the Superdome. I will confess that I am not a football fan, but happy to people watch and take in the vibe.

Getting to the location was an education all by itself. People were having tailgate parties everywhere. Fans, both for the Saints and Lions, dressed to the nines in team colors, jerseys, and paraphernalia. At the party I was at, catered by a local chef, there was enough food and booze to stupefy everyone.

At the party I met up with Diana Hernandez from New Orleans & Company, my hosts. She was also hosting a group of Mexican journalists who were great fun. From the party we walked to Louis Armstrong Park where we took in a bit of NOLA history, including Congo Square and the fabulous statue of Louis Armstrong.

Then we were off to a local bar, the #UpperQuarter in the French Quarter, to cheer on the Saints and take in the vibe. When we arrived, the score was 21-0. I feared the fans would be morose. But no, there was lots of glitz and glitter, booze, food, and joie de vivre. In fact, almost no one was watching the game until the few who were screamed or groaned. Then all eyes turned to the screens. When the Saints finally scored, pudding shots (jello pudding made with vodka) were distributed to everyone and we toasted the Saints.

After a while we left and walked to Killer Poboys for some killer Po Boys. They were delish. One of the journalists ordered a uniquely NOLA PB&J—pecan butter with blueberry jam laced with ghost peppers. It was described to me as sweet at first and then the ghost peppers hit at the back of the throat, causing a need for immediate relief with a drink. The TV was, of course, tuned to the game. The score was now 28-21. While we ate the Lions scored again. The restaurant hostess groaned and screamed, “I can’t take it anymore. I’m shutting the TV off.” She was persuaded not to, but I watched as she put her head onto the counter and covered her eyes. New Orleanians take their team very seriously!

Next, we were off to The Sazerac House. This is another new attraction, a three-story tribute to NOLA’s favorite drink. Very interactive, with loads of free samples and NOLA history, it’s a fun way to spend an hour.

After a couple of hours resting at my hotel, I went to the Hotel Monteleone for dinner at Criollo Restaurant. It was beautifully decorated, and the food was amazing.

Thanks to New Orleans & Company for arranging my itinerary!