Quirky American Towns

I love the southwest for the scenery; the desert, cacti, vast expanses and endless sky are magnificent. But between the open spaces are slews of interesting towns. Here are just a few of my favorite towns in the southwest.

Jerome, Arizona is just a few miles away from the far better-known Sedona. At one point it was a thriving copper mining town, now a mere 450 people live there. It has become an artist community with loads of galleries.

Arcosanti is in the high desert of Arizona. Founded in 1970, it was envisioned as an experiment in communal living and living frugally with a limited environmental footprint. Today, about 450 people live there, though the community was built to house 5,000 people. To earn money, the inhabitants produce beautiful bells.

I’ve been to Santa Fe many times. At the other end of Arizona, Silver City, NM, is a far more laid-back artist colony. Painters, potters, printmakers, weavers, glass blowers, jewelry makers and other artists live and show their work in the many galleries in town. Nestled in the foothills of the Pinos Altos Mountains, bordering the Continental Divide, the scenery is lovely.