Sir BaniYas Island, UAE

I spent most of yesterday in bed trying to shake a cold that came on like a monsoon. I didn’t know I was capable of sleeping that much. But it seems to have helped. What I missed was a return visit to the Abu Dhabi Louvre.

This morning I felt better.

Most passengers opted to stay at the beach. I took a short tour of this strange place. One I had never heard of but was intrigued by.

Sir Baniyas was a desert island that Abu Dhabi’s sheik has decided to convert into a green wildlife refuge. The Arabian Wildlife Park makes up more than half of the island, home to more than 17,000 free-roaming animals, including Arabian oryx, gazelles, giraffes, hyenas and cheetahs. We did see a giraffe in the distance, but none of the others. Lots of deer though.

What impressed me most is the inhospitable landscape and the sheer audacity of trying to turn it into a lush green oasis. But with unlimited funds anything is possible.