Super Bloom Road Trip – Day 7

The end of this trip is closing in. Today we headed back to San Francisco, my last chance to savor the gorgeous flowers, epic vistas of coastline and verdant rolling hills as well as more seal sightings.

Route 1 heading south from Bodega Bay is not for the faint of heart. Not only are the roads narrow, steep, and winding (with almost no guardrails), but there are cyclists everywhere.

Passing Mount Tamalpais, just before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, I recalled hiking there with my friend Ross many years ago. I’m glad I did it then because there isn’t a hope I could do it now. Hiking up the trail, we made our way through redwoods and grasslands. Though it isn’t a high mountain (only about 2,500’) it offers expansive vistas of San Francisco, the harbor, and the Pacific Ocean.

Tomorrow I’ll spend the day with several friends in San Francisco, then fly back to New York City on the redeye.

But not to worry, my travels will resume in a couple of weeks. Before the end of June, I’ll be in Galveston and Houston Texas, Bilbao and San Sebastian Spain, Amsterdam, and on a cruise from Athens to Istanbul with a few days in each city. So, stay tuned.