Super Bloom Road Trip – Day 4

As is often the case on the California coast, the morning was overcast and misty—very mysterious looking. We continued our journey north, stopping frequently to admire the view and take short walks. It was so windy, short walks were the most I could manage. At lunch time we arrived at Half Moon Bay, an area I know well because a … Read More

Super Bloom Road Trip – Day 5

Today was our first day of remaining within a small area. We drove to Freestone, a short distance from Bodega Bay. Our first stop was at Wildflour for breakfast. When we arrived the queue to buy loaves of bread, scones, cookies, and coffee was long. The line quickly grew behind us. I understand why. The aroma was exceeded only by … Read More

Super Bloom Road Trip – Day 6

Today was a day trip north from Bodega Bay, up Highway 1 – the Pacific Coast Highway through Sonoma County. It was a perfect day—clear, blue skies with visibility for miles. Because it is early in the season, there wasn’t much traffic. Most of the viewpoints had only a few cars parked at them. We stopped often to admire the … Read More

Super Bloom Road Trip – Day 7

The end of this trip is closing in. Today we headed back to San Francisco, my last chance to savor the gorgeous flowers, epic vistas of coastline and verdant rolling hills as well as more seal sightings. Route 1 heading south from Bodega Bay is not for the faint of heart. Not only are the roads narrow, steep, and winding … Read More