Orchids in NYC

Yesterday, when it was gray, cold and windy I ventured north to the NY Botanical Garden for warmth and beauty, specifically to the Orchid Show. It is one of my favorite shows of the year, a riot of color, unusual varieties and fabulous presentation. This year the show maintained the tradition of vivid colors and varieties. The overall theme was … Read More

Orchids and more

I could easily write many posts about the orchids at this year’s show at the NY Botanical Garden. As I mentioned yesterday, I don’t like the theme of the show. But the individual specimens are glorious. As the orchid show had just opened the day before, many of the plants were budding. Seeing trails of buds about to burst was … Read More

Richmond, Virginia


Murals and street art have definitely become a thing.  Or maybe it was always there, and I’ve just become very attuned to it. Drive or walk around Richmond and the murals are everywhere. When I went to Mamma J’s for dinner, I had to wait to get a table. While waiting, I walked around the area.  At every turn there … Read More