St. Martin

Every winter, except this one, I escape to some warm location for a week of soaking up restorative sunshine. Often this travel coincides with Mardi Gras and I’m treated to more than beaches. Sometimes I’m aware that there will be parades and other festivities. At other times, such as when I traveled to St. Martin, I stumble upon local celebrations. … Read More

ARCs — Advance Reader Copies

The Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) of my book, Travel Mania: Stories of Wanderlust, have arrived.  It is a thrill to finally hold a bound book in my hands after so many years in the making. Thanks to the many people who have helped make this a reality. It won’t be available for purchase until July 13th, but I’m sure that … Read More

Walking Beside the Camels on a Camel Trek

An excerpt from my upcoming travel memoir, Travel Mania: Stories of Wanderlust On the first morning of the camel trek, I walked at the front of two parallel lines of camels. A gentle Moroccan camel tender led each line, singing and chanting, as our group of eight headed into a sea of sand. The soothing rhythm of the camel tenders’ voices … Read More

Yaks at the Roof of the World

An excerpt from my upcoming travel memoir “Travel Mania:” “As our plane passed over, I got my first glimpse of the Himalayas. At first they didn’t look much different from the Rockies—snow-covered peaks with deep valleys and the occasional river gorge. Then the mountains sharpened. The peaks became jagged, knife blades slicing the sky, a series of lethal weapons, tightly … Read More