After five days of nearly continuous activity, today needed to be at a slower pace. I slept in, wrote and leisurely packed. Once I finally got moving, it was just over an hour drive to Louisiana’s capital, Baton Rouge (or Red Stick in translation). As I’d passed through Baton Rouge before but never spent any time there, a brief stop … Read More
Louisiana — Day 8
After my quiet day, I was back to serious exploring. After breakfast at @MaisonMouton B&B in Lafayette I headed west towards Rayne. My friends wondered why I was going there. As Leo said, it’s not much more than a dot on the map. Rayne has proclaimed itself. “The Frog Capital of the World.” This started in the late 1800s when … Read More
Louisiana – Day 10
I’m deep in Cajun country with my friends Liz and Leo. Liz and I set off to explore this morning. Our first stop was in Breaux Bridge for the zydeco breakfast at @ It’s held every Saturday morning. People come from miles around to hear the music, but mostly to dance. The atmosphere was festive and electric. Because of back … Read More
Louisiana – Day 11
Today, Liz, Leo and I set off to explore the area south of Breaux Bridge. Along the way we passed truck after truck filled with just-harvested sugar cane. They were heading towards the processing plant. On this cold morning, I could see thick smoke billowing from the plant from miles away. I pulled over to take photos because the images … Read More
Louisiana – Day 12 – final day
My friend Liz will be flying back with me to NY (she lives there part-time). We drove east to stay near the airport for our early morning flight. Along the way we made several stops. First was in Hammond to see the home of Charles Smith. I’d learned about Smith when I visited the @AbitaMysteryHouse last week. Charles Smith is … Read More
Gingerbread Houses
Let’s start with a confession. I once baked and decorated a tiny gingerbread house. It took forever and the end product was less than stellar. So, I have a great appreciation for bakers who can create fabulous architectural models out of gingerbread. The Museum of the City of New York hosts an annual “All Borough Gingerbread Competition.” I spent this … Read More
NYC in the Movies
While I was at the Museum of the City of New York yesterday, I wandered into an exhibit about movies shot in the city. Apart from the gingerbread houses, that was where most visitors gravitated. When I’m traveling and mention I’m a New Yorker, people tell me about visiting New York, wanting to come here, loving the city from movies … Read More
London – Day 1
My friend Sue and I arrived in London on Wednesday morning after an uneventful, though totally packed, flight. After checking in at the hotel and miraculously being able to get into a room immediately, Sue and I set out for a walk and lunch. Our hotel is in a wonderful location, right on Tottenham Court Road, close to an underground … Read More
London – Day 2
My plans for the morning included taking a long walk to see holiday decorations and what is new since my last visit. I should have known better than to make plans. It was drizzling when I woke. Rather than the sky brightening, it became more menacing. When I stepped out to start the walk, serious rain began. I hopped a … Read More
London – Day 3
It didn’t rain today!!! It was cold and windy, and rain threatened but never came. But with the forecast for rain, I changed my plans from a walking tour of the street art of Brixton to visiting two of my favorite museums. My first destination was the National Portrait Gallery, recently opened after a three-year pause for repairs, re-design, and … Read More