Though this mini trip was planned a long time ago, the timing was perfect. I’m spending a few days with two friends who I’ve known since childhood. We’re doing everything possible to avoid thinking about the election. Dutchess County, NY is about a two-hour drive from NYC, mostly on scenic highways. The area is filled with historic sites, including FDR’s … Read More
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I’ve flown from the pancake flat land and water of Louisiana to the high mountainous desert of New Mexico. I’m here, staying with my friends Jeannie and Jack, for the balloon festival. Jeannie and Jack recently bought a new home with breathtaking views and frequent visits by wild horses, bears, and other wildlife. I’m staying in their casita, which in … Read More
Lafitte, Louisiana
I’ve known about the pirate Jean Lafitte for many years and have recently been running into him along the gulf coast, first in Galveston Texas and now in Louisiana. Lafitte’s legacy is deeply intertwined with the lore of the area, where he remains a legendary figure of adventure, rebellion, and piracy. But I never knew there was a town named … Read More
Grand Isle, Louisiana
I left Breaux Bridge early yesterday morning for the 3-1/2-hour drive to Grand Isle, Louisiana. The terrain through the first part of the journey was familiar to me. Miles upon miles of sugar cane, which at this time of year is beginning to be harvested. Even early morning trucks filled with cane were on the road, heading to the sugar … Read More
Washington DC – Day 3
After my late night at the Kennedy Center, and without needing to walk Pookah, I slept in this morning. For me, that means until 7:30. By 11am I was at the National Mall, heading into the Hirshhorn Museum. It was the exhibit of the work by Simone Leigh that attracted me. I’d read that she had represented the US at … Read More
Washington DC – Day 4
Yesterday I explored a neighborhood I’d never been to before—NOMA. NOMA, north of Massachusetts Avenue, is actually about a mile north of Mass Ave. There’s a good reason I’d never visited there before, until about eight years ago it was an old industrial area filled with warehouses and parking lots. Then gentrification and development began, and the neighborhood is rapidly … Read More
Washington DC – Day 5
Yesterday was my final day in DC before returning home. One of the great things about the Smithsonian museums is that they are open seven days a week, year-round, except for Christmas and New Year’s Day. My first stop was at the National Museum of the American Indian. This too is new since the last time I visited the museums … Read More
An Outing
Pookah is a homebody. He loves nothing more than a day when he goes for very quick walks and spends the rest of the time in the apartment. Yesterday was a gorgeous day and I decided we needed to spend time outside. It’s an easy drive to Ft. Tryon Park. It took some doing to convince Pookah to walk the … Read More
The Holidays are Here
This weekend will be filled with holiday events, even though it isn’t even Thanksgiving. On Friday, my destination was the NY Botanical Garden’s Train Show. I love the show and go every year. Apart from the trains, the highlights are NYC landmarks constructed entirely from natural materials. They are incredible works of art. Yesterday was opening day and member’s day. … Read More
Lantern Show
It was a warm, clear night. At 6:30 the sky was coal black with a perfect half-moon, ideal conditions for viewing the Lantern Show at the Queens Farm. The light show is enchanting if a bit helter-skelter. Large sculptures, beautifully crafted and vividly colored, are lit from within. There doesn’t seem to be a theme. There are sections of farm … Read More