Bilbao, Spain – Day 2, Part 1 – The Guggenheim Museum

Bilbao, Spain – Day 2, Part 1 – The Guggenheim Museum Today needs to be split into a couple of entries, because there is just too much for a single entry. I spent many hours at the Guggenheim Museum, it was the major reason I wanted to visit the city. Both outside and in, Frank Gehry’s architecture is captivating. Over … Read More

Paris – New and Old

Today included some of the oldest and newest Paris sites. It started with the new – the Foundation Louis Vuitton.  The building, designed by Frank Gehry, is in the Bois de Boulogne and was completed in 2014.  It is an art museum, but I doubt many people go there for the art.  It’s the building that’s the star.  I was … Read More