London – Day 1

My friend Sue and I arrived in London on Wednesday morning after an uneventful, though totally packed, flight. After checking in at the hotel and miraculously being able to get into a room immediately, Sue and I set out for a walk and lunch. Our hotel is in a wonderful location, right on Tottenham Court Road, close to an underground … Read More

London – Day 3

It didn’t rain today!!! It was cold and windy, and rain threatened but never came. But with the forecast for rain, I changed my plans from a walking tour of the street art of Brixton to visiting two of my favorite museums. My first destination was the National Portrait Gallery, recently opened after a three-year pause for repairs, re-design, and … Read More

London – Day 4

This has been a whirlwind trip, cramming a lot into a brief time. Today our friend Jacqui took the train down from the Midlands to meet Sue and me. After catching up during a leisurely breakfast, we headed to the Tate Modern. The Tate Modern, opened in 2000, is a massive museum housed in a former Power Station. The special … Read More

London – Day 6

Five out of six days have been rainy, but that hasn’t dampened my spirits. London has too much to offer, inside or out, to make me feel gloomy. I walked from the hotel to Covent Garden with the intent of exploring the London Transport Museum. Adjacent to the museum was a small flea market that I couldn’t resist poking around. … Read More

London – Day 7

The weather on my final day in London convinced me it was time to go home. For the sixth day out of seven it was raining—not a drizzle but full-out drenching rain. Because my flight wasn’t until evening, I wanted to spend it productively. I headed over to Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery. It seemed as if every other … Read More


I can neatly sew a button or hem, but beyond that I’m not fond of sewing. That’s probably because of a home ec class in middle school. The wrap-around skirt we sewed and were required to wear to class was less than flattering. Consequently, shopping instead of sewing became my go-to. But I love looking at fabrics. The myriad patterns, … Read More

Street Art Bushwick, Brooklyn

The last time I visited Bushwick to explore street art was during one of the worst parts of the pandemic. Streets were devoid of people but filled with fabulous art. This time, people swarmed the neighborhood. And, because marijuana is now legal, pot shops were everywhere, including a slew of pop-up shops and mobile weed trucks. Several tour groups passed … Read More

Beautiful Bridges

In a recent article in Conde Nast Traveler, they listed the world’s most beautiful bridges. I didn’t agree with all of their choices and thought they left some iconic bridges off the list. So, I searched to see what bridges other publications chose as the most beautiful. Nearly all mentioned the Brooklyn Bridge, Tower Bridge in London, Széchenyi Chain Bridge … Read More

London – Day One

Getting through Heathrow felt like a forced march. It took a full hour to get from the gate to the Heathrow Express train—and that doesn’t include getting through passport control. We did finally make it and in fifteen minutes were at Paddington Station, directly adjacent to our hotel. Our room, of course, wasn’t ready. Sue and I drank caffeine and … Read More