San Sebastian, Spain – Day 3, Part 2

After the tour was over yesterday I had just enough time to return to the apartment, relax for a few minutes and then head out to the first “official” event of the conference. We took buses to a town just outside of San Sebastian to attend a Jai Alai match. For those of you who don’t know what Jai Alai … Read More

Amsterdam, Netherlands—Day One

Some of you may have noticed that I didn’t post anything for a couple of days, which is unusual for me. The first omission was because the conference I was attending so occupied me, there simply wasn’t time. Yesterday I took an early morning flight to Amsterdam. When I arrived, I was coughing, sneezing, and felt awful. Though I showed … Read More

Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Day 2

I seem to have shaken the worst of my cold, so today was a packed day. After an early breakfast, I went out for a walk, heading vaguely in the direction of the Central Station. Within minutes I found myself at the flower market, a long line of stalls alongside a canal. It calls itself the flower market, but really … Read More

Amsterdam – Day three

Yesterday was my final morning in Amsterdam before flying home. The friendly desk clerk at my hotel (the @NesHotel) helped me come up with a plan. He suggested that I walk over to the Oude Kerk. But, he cautioned, “go now. You have to walk through the Red-Light district to get there. It will be peaceful now, but in a … Read More

Roof lines

While traveling in Spain and the Netherlands I couldn’t help but notice the two countries differing architectural styles. In both San Sebastian and Amsterdam older, traditional buildings showcased their approach to ornamentation and, in some cases, over-the-top ostentation. Today I’ve got photos of rooflines, tomorrow decorations. The thing is, I don’t have a preference. In both locations the buildings were … Read More


Yesterday I showed rooflines; today I’m focusing on architectural embellishment. While I didn’t have a preference for the rooflines in San Sebastian or Amsterdam, Amsterdam wins hands down for embellishment. Dutch merchants wanted to show off their wealth. On many of their buildings there are gold adornments, sculptures, elaborate coats-of-arm or fancy trimmings. They liked cherubs and angels, heroic figures, … Read More

Athens, Greece – Day 2

The first time I visited Athens, in 1996, the Parthenon thrilled me, as did the Plaka, the statuary, and the overall vibe. The next time I visited, my enthusiasm had waned. Athens looked dirty, was hotter than hell on a bad day, the sky had a brownish tinge from pollution, and there were too many rude tourists. I love the … Read More

On Board the Oceania Vista

Early this afternoon I arrived at the port of Piraeus (Greece) to board the Oceania Vista. The size of the ship surprised me, though it shouldn’t have. My stateroom is on the tenth deck and there are six decks above me. The ship can accommodate 1,200 passengers. The ship is just over one year old and compared to other new … Read More


Last night I slept better than I have in many nights—the gentle sound of the ship’s engines lulled me deep into dreamland. When I woke, we’d dropped anchor in Santorini, part of the Cycladic group of Greek islands. Santorini is a beautiful island. Well, it used to be a single island, now it is a semi-circle of islands. They were … Read More

Antalya, Turkey

This morning the ship docked at Antalya, the first port of call in Turkey. I haven’t been in Turkey since 1997, and when I visited, I never made it to Antalya. I’d been hoping to visit some of the historic sites, but the excursion desk staff talked me out of even attempting any of them. Visiting the sites would have … Read More