Spain – Day 3

Well, not really Spain, I spent a large part of the day in France. Whenever I think of Basque culture, I’d only ever heard of it in conjunction with Spain. The tour I took today taught me otherwise—parts of France are considered Basque as well. The Basque region is mostly located in northern Spain, on the Bay of Biscay at … Read More

Beautiful Bridges

In a recent article in Conde Nast Traveler, they listed the world’s most beautiful bridges. I didn’t agree with all of their choices and thought they left some iconic bridges off the list. So, I searched to see what bridges other publications chose as the most beautiful. Nearly all mentioned the Brooklyn Bridge, Tower Bridge in London, Széchenyi Chain Bridge … Read More

Paris – through an art lens

I’m getting fond of taking buses in Paris now that Google maps directs me where to board them, and then tells me stop-by-stop where I am. My first bus ride today took me to the Tuileries. It’s one of my favorite places in Paris—I am a lover of gardens and people watching.  In the park I got to do both. … Read More

Paris – New and Old

Today included some of the oldest and newest Paris sites. It started with the new – the Foundation Louis Vuitton.  The building, designed by Frank Gehry, is in the Bois de Boulogne and was completed in 2014.  It is an art museum, but I doubt many people go there for the art.  It’s the building that’s the star.  I was … Read More

Vienne and Lyons, France

Modern architecture n Lyons

Prior to this trip I’d never heard of Vienne, so I was surprised by how much I liked it. We took a “Toonerville trolley” to a high point above the city that had an expansive view of the city. The Rhone River snaked through a city awash in red-tiled roofs.  Directly below where we stood was the massive, ancient Roman … Read More

Valance, France

Welcome to Valance Sign

Last night we took a short scenic cruise to see Avignon’s famous Pont Bénezet (bridge) lit up. It’s famous due to a song about it.  Most tourists assumed (as I did) that it was destroyed during the second world war.  In fact, it was abandoned long before that. Built in the 12th century, it was washed away several times by … Read More

Marseilles to Arles

Woke up this morning to bright sunshine and a gorgeous view of Marseilles’ old port.  We started the day with the most typical of French breakfasts, a croissant and café au lait. We walked around the area, stopping at the morning fish market. I wish I could have bought some of the fish, it could not have been fresher. From … Read More

Travel Travails

It’s 9:15PM and my friend Sue and I are in Marseilles, France.  We just enjoyed a glass of wine and wonderful Bouillabaisse dinner, in a restaurant with a view of the old port.   But since last evening it has been a crapshoot as to whether we, and our luggage, would make it here. It started with a gate change … Read More