Crane Foundation – Baraboo, Wisconsin

Driving through Wisconsin in pursuit of outsider artists and the environments they create, I came upon a sign for the Crane Foundation. Upon entering I was transported from the wacky worlds of fantastical animals and people made from scrap metal, concrete and bits and bobs of found materials. It was a serene, natural habitat, populated by graceful cranes. The birds … Read More

London’s Sky Garden

One year ago today I visited one of London’s newest attractions – the sky garden. Located in the financial district, this free public space opened in 2015. Starting on the 43rd floor of an office tower is a three-story climbing garden, sunlit through a glass dome. Even on the overcast day I visited it was bright and cheerful. Cafes and … Read More

Pennsylvania Station

When I was a kid, Pennsylvania Station was a glory of NYC. The ceiling of the waiting room soared 148 feet high. Sun poured in through huge windows. In 1963 it was demolished to make way for the new Madison Square Garden. Its replacement, situated under the arena, was horrible. The ceilings were low, it was crowded, dismal and a … Read More

Uros Islands, Peru

At an altitude of 12,500 feet, Lake Titicaca is the world’s highest navigable body of water. It’s also home to the Uros Islands – manmade islands that float on the lake. There are roughly 120 islands that are home to about 1,200 people. The islands are crafted from dried reeds, woven together and layered. As the bottom layers dissolve in … Read More

Detroit Angels

In 2005 my friend Maggie took me to see the Delray neighborhood of Detroit. Maggie, a native Detroiter, told me that it had once been a vibrant neighborhood, but had fallen into decay. A local artist, Carl Kamulski, decided to help by decorating the neighborhood with angels. He cut 114 of them from plywood and people pitched in to paint … Read More

Thai Puppets

The intricate, life-sized puppets moved so realistically that within minutes I’d stopped noticing the puppeteer.  Performed in Thai, I didn’t know what was said, but between program notes (in English) and their actions a clear story unfolded. I’m enamored with puppets and have sought them out around the globe. In Bangkok, at the Joe Lewis theater, there are nightly shows. … Read More

Torres del Paine National Park

The dramatic skies changed minute by minute, dark clouds scudding across the sky creating constantly changing patchworks of sun, clouds and swirling mist as a backdrop to dramatic mountains. The strong winds propel tall grasses into an endless stream of waves moving towards some distant shore. The roar of the water from a startling blue waterfall, powerful from springtime glacial … Read More

Plitvicka Lakes National Park

After one day in Zagreb recuperating from jetlag, I departed heading towards Split. Along the route is must-see Plitvicka Lakes National Park. Unfortunately, I was traveling in August, height of the tourist season. The park was gorgeous but so crowded that in some narrow sections of the trail it resembled NYC subways at the height at rush hour (during normal, … Read More


One year ago, I was in Curaçao enjoying warmth, sun and fabulous street art. I anticipated the perfect weather, had seen photos of the colorful buildings lining the harbor of Willemstad, had even read about the floating pedestrian bridge that opens to allow boats to pass through. What came as a surprise was the quantity and quality of art throughout … Read More

Burma / Myanmar

When I hear the news about the military takeover in Burma it breaks my heart.  I visited the country in 2012 as the political situation was beginning to improve. Aung San Suu Kyi had recently been released from house arrest and everywhere I traveled people wore buttons supporting her. While there I witnessed many of the problems that emerge from … Read More